Published on May 14th, 2019

3 Ways to Conserve Water in Your Business

Xeriscaping Services in San Diego | Mckowski's Maintenance Services

Although recent studies published that San Diego is out of the drought, we have to remember that we live in a semi-arid region and that in rare cases we get exceptional rainfall, which was the case of this past winter. Receiving a good amount of rainfall a year doesn’t necessarily mean that we will get it every year, that is why we should not stop our water conservation efforts.

Office buildings, factories and schools are some of the businesses that are more dependent on water, and because of this, water conservation should be an essential practice. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this, here we present three of the best ways to conserve water in your business.

1. Carry out a leak inspection

Even the smallest leak in a faucet can waste a huge amount of water throughout the month, and just to give you an idea, that small drop can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day, now imagine having that same leak in many of the bathrooms of your office building.

Carrying out a leak inspection will help you target the problem areas in your office building and your building maintenance company can help you fix them before they turn into a bigger issue.

2. Install water-saving toilets & shower heads

Installing water-saving toilets and shower heads are a great idea to conserve water and make better use of the resources. If you don’t want to go through the renovation process you can also fill your tank with plastic bottles full of sand as an alternative to cut down water waste.

3. Xeriscape your landscape

Xeriscaping is a technique used to turn a conventional landscape into an eco-friendly landscape. It reduces or eliminates the need for water and it is perfect for semi-arid environments where water is oftentimes limited.

The benefits of Xeriscape are many, but among the most important is a reduction in water consumption and a significant saving on your water bill.

If you are looking to reduce your water usage, give us a call, at Mckowski’s Maintenance Systems, we are Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditors and members of California Landscape Contractors Association and can design and implement landscaping techniques to help you save water and enhance your curb appeal.

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