Published on July 9th, 2024

Power Wash, Repair, and Grout Replacement at The Ranch House in Del Sur

The Problem

The Ranch House in Del Sur is having issues with the grout between the Flag Stone pieces on the driveways and the back patio area. Some grout is missing, some look bad due to a bad repair, and some is just dirty.

They have a Wedding coming up and needed it fixed and looking clean by the weekend.

The Solution

McKowski’s provided a proposal to power wash, repair, and replace the grout as needed.

Upon signing, McKowski’s scheduled ASAP and went to work.

First, all the flag stone was power washed to remove dirt and stains. Next, we used the power washer to blast the grout so any loose grout would dislodge. We then checked for any loose pieces and chipped them out by hand. All missing grout was replaced and allowed to dry for three days.

The Result

The driveway and patio were ready for the wedding photos and the happy couple were so pleased with how beautiful it looked.

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